Swedish Massage

This form of massage uses long flowing strokes, generally directed towards the heart. Pressure can vary but to start, lighter strokes are normally used in order to warm up the muscles and other tissues of the body. After a few minutes of warming up the tissues, the therapist will gradually increase the pressure of the strokes; she will be asking the client for feedback to see if they want more or less pressure. Swedish massage is great for starting a massage because it allows the therapist to find the problem areas and see where she needs to focus. Some people enjoy this type of a massage solely and don't need anything more specific. In this case the entire massage can be long flowing strokes, which can be very helpful in relaxing the muscles and tissues. It is also great for ending a massage by decreasing the pressure, working on circulation and flushing out fluid and toxins from the body.

Lori uses: Biotone Advanced Massage Therapy lotion or oil (upon request)


